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Thursday 27 June 2013

I completely forgot about my childhood when I had a lot of dreams

This left a very big impact on me. I don't know how, but it touched some part of my heart. Time is passing by so quickly, it's so hard to even notice. How many 'yesterdays' are we going to have, and when will our 'tomorrow' stop. It's terrifying when you think about it.

2013 is passing by so quickly I can't even breathe. It felt like yesterday when we said 'Happy New Year' to each other, and now half the year is almost gone. It feels so surreal that time is passing by so quickly, where were the times when I used to complain about time passing by so slowly and wanting to grow up, what the hell was I even thinking. 

I used to think that growing up was fun, that you'ld be able to get the freedom you've always wanted, make more of your own decisions, but there was a price to go along with it. The lack of time with family members. We spend so much time going out now compared to last time when we were 5 or 6, and the time spent with parents also decreased drastically. Now, I appreciate the small late night chats with my mother before she turns in. It's really nice to just sit down and have a chat with her, asking her how her day was, whether her job tiring, just spending time with her. She made me appreciate all the small and significant things happening in my life. She's more than a mother, she's a friend, my listening ear, and I'm really thankful for that. She's the only person I can tell my problems to. I'm never good at spilling my feelings in front of someone, even conversing on the phone is a chore for me. I'm really really really thankful I have someone like her in my life.

Random ramblings I don't know how it led to me talking about my mum but it's okay bcs I'm cool.

Been thinking a lot nowadays.

Nah who am I kidding the only thing I did this holiday was to screw my body clock by sleeping at 2/3 everyday. 

Maybe being alone helps me think more, further and deeper, and I'm starting to like being alone. Having conversations with yourself, you don't have to bother about entertaining someone, or make the conversation less awkward. 

I like it the way it is now, and I really hope it stays like this.

Nevertheless, I'm still thankful for my friends- clique, the netballers, and all.

Sad post so I'm going to end with a happy note- School is starting in 3 days :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

the haze is getting serious again.

Sick of the same day, the repeating days
Grown-ups and my parents keep instilling confined dreams to me
Number one future career is a government worker?
It’s not a forced dream, a ninth inning relief pitcher
Throw a fast ball at the waste of time that is night study sessions
Rebel against the hellish society, dreams are a special pardon
Ask yourself about your dream profile
Become the main subject of your life that has always been suppressed

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