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Friday 12 October 2012

Though someday your name might become strange My heart will remember all the memories.

This is a super overdue post but it's okay. Hello.

Finals ended two days ago and to be honest I didn't really feel anything. I felt that I could have studied even harder and all. But, it's all over, no use crying over spilt milk anyway. 

Geography was our first paper and all I can say is that it was a very bad start for eoys. I finished the paper and the whole world came crashing down on me. I got so many answers wrong and all. And I became super moody after the paper and did not want to study history anymore. 

History was okay, considering the fact that I studied for it. But I almost ran out of time due to the two SBQs. 

Science was shit yeah. Screwed up my whole paper and lost like 10 over marks already. Freaking wrote cheese as carbohydrates how stupid can I get. 

Math was shit too. I thought it would be easy getting an A1 or even a full mark for math judging from the past years Math papers but no ahs had to troll us and gave a freaking hard paper. I almost had no time to finish everything. The whole world came crashing on me once again when I finished it. 
Oh yes, Yonghwa and Taeyang appeared in my math paper. Does ahs think that they're very cool.

English was doable, considering the fact that I knew everything and had enough time to finish two comprehensions and a summary in 1h50min.

Chinese was okay too, just that it was very tiring having to refer back to the passage many times. 

Almost after every paper, clique would go and have brunch together, at either 85 market or Tampines. It was a great time for us to bond together. 

On Wednesday, clique (Except Kim :( ) went to ecp. Kim was not feeling well so she didn't go. We bused to Marine Parade to have our lunch first before going to Valery's house because she forgot to bring her shirt to change. Rolled there till 1.30 because we couldn't stand the weather outside. Valery's grandmother was very kind to bring us there, so we didn't have to walk. (Val's grandparents have swag yo)

Rented bicycles for $6 (2 hours) and started cycling. I was surprised that I could still cycle after almost 2 years of not touching a bike. Although I was wobbly at first, I soon got the hang of it. We cycled together until Dominique's bike crashed onto something and Jasmine and Charis who were just behind her crashed onto her, Valery and I then took the lead. Cycled to an area where it was a Y shape, Valery and I decided to go straight and the other 3 turn to rest at some shelter. 

We cycled and cycled, not knowing where all these cycling would lead to. Soon, we saw this signboard that said 'Changi'. I knew we had cycled too far already, so we cycled back to god knows where. 船到桥头自然直 Anyway, YOLO , so be adventurous. 

Had h2h talks with tar yo

Cycled back and we found the rest of them sitting there munching on chips we bought when we were at Marine Parade. Talked for a while before we decided that it was time to cycle back to return the bikes. Chatted with Dominque while cycling abck, since both of us where in front while the 3 people were crawling behind.

My whole butt was hurting like crap when I got off the bike. So much for a $6 bike. 

Went to play with water and sand after that. Dominique was yolo-ing so she got herself wet. Charis yolo-ed too badly. She freaking swam. Jasmine was being pathetic because she didn't wear slippers so she couldn't get too near the water. Valery was plain sad because she had her menses so she couldn't let the water level rise above her vagina. After that we found a plastic bottle and played with it. It was fun, considering the fact that it entertained us for about half an hour. 

Walked to parkway after that and had dinner at Banquet because my favorite food court there closed down or something. The food there were expensive and not good. We started talking about our friendship as we move up to Secondary 2. Will we still be together, or will we pass by each other in school just saying a simple 'hi' or 'how are you' ? I don't know. Will we move up together? Will we get separated? No one knows. That conversation really got me thinking. I really do not want us to get separated, but I guess it's inevitable. Time is shit ok. But I believe in our friendship. We've known each other for about 8 months already. Yes, it's not long, but I believe that it is enough for us to know each other well. I really treasure each and everyone of you, and I am positive that I do not want to just say a simple 'hi' when we meet in the cateen during recess in the future. Our friendship is way more than this. 


Went window shopping around Parkway because all of us were broke. Bused home with Jasmine, Charis and Dominique after that. 

I personally think that that day's trip was much more meaningful and memorable as compared to shopping. If we went shopping, we would be occupied with the clothes and shoes to even bother to start a conversation, or worse, bond together. By being at the beach, it allowed us to calm our hearts down and talk about everything under the sun. This trip made me know each of you better, thank you for that wonderful  day clique :-) 

There are so many things I couldn’t say
You have never heard them before but
I’m not someone who just loves anyone I see

Because among the many people in this world
I could only see you

I am standing here as I only see you
After this love, I don’t really know what will happen
Just like child who is always this way,
Will you warmly hold me right now?

Though someday your name might become strange
My heart will remember all the memories
Even if a painful separation comes between us
Let’s not think about that today

Because among the many people in this world
I could only see you

I am standing here as I only see you
After this love, I don’t really know what will happen
Just like child who is always this way,
Will you warmly hold me closer?

Now I’m not alone
Only you who has come to me from that place-

Only you are my everything
After this love, I don’t really know what will happen
Just like child who is always this way,
Will you warmly hold me closer?

Will you hold me?

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