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Sunday 21 October 2012

I know this isn’t a dream, I know your love isn’t real

Got back all my results, and all I can say is this: Disappointment. Everything was horribly done and it was the first ever time I did so badly for my finals.

English - B3
It was okay to me, considering how I have always been getting C5/6 for my English for the past year and it has never been my forte. Quite satisfied with my summary and letter writing though. I thought I would fail my letter writing as I misunderstood the points, and judging from the past exercises where I got 13/30 because I wrote it in a rude manner, I was happy when I saw 20 on my script. My paper 2 could have been better. The comprehension was really easy and I don't understand how I can get only 2 marks in a whole page.

I should start studying for English and stop giving myself excuses like I can't study for languages.

Chinese - B3
I was really really disappointed in this one. I failed my 作文 because I wrote out of the point. I felt the whole world crashing down on me when I saw my marks. 应用文 was a disappointment too. I was barely passing it. But I still failed my paper 1. Sigh what is wrong with me. But I did quite okay for my paper 2 so it pulled my marks up. Managed to get an A2 for overall thanks to my CA results, but I was really disappointed as Chinese was one of the subjects I was slightly better at and yet I can't get an A1.

Math - C5
I am really really really x9457382576285 disappointed in this. I almost failed my paper and I was really really sad. Part 2 was crap because I don't even know what went into me during that time. Sigh my favorite subject and this is what I get. I don't even want to talk about it.

Science - A2
I was expecting it, considering how I flunked that cheese question. Got freaking 0.5/10 for that whole quesion wth. Failed my section C /sobs But I did quite well for my section B so everything is fine. But still disappointed because I couldn't even get an A1 for it. I could if I had used my brains a little for that cheese question. 

History - B3
I would have scored better if I had managed my time properly. I was expecting an A but I guess this is what I get for not studying harder for history.

Geography - A1
Unexpected. I thought I was going to fail this paper because it was really badly done and I thought of a million and one points I could have written down after the paper. Got an A2 at first, but I managed to squeeze another 1.5 marks to get me an A1.

Sigh see how badly I did. Only one A1 and it was a super borderline A1. But it's no use crying over spilt milk, so I'm going to work harder when I go on to Sec 2. The whole of 1K is promoted up to Sec 2, congratulations (: I hope we promote as a class, I really dread adapting to new environments.

Been hanging out with clique a lot lately. Went to Bugis with Jasmine and Charis to sell books, Charis house to bake (the cake was horrible. We were actually making a Tiramisu, but it turned out to be some mutated bitter-crap cake because Charis read the wrong instructions) , clique came my house and we played board games for the whole afternoon, and I went to Dominique's house to play. It was really fun being together and I really treasure the times I have with them, because I don't want to regret it in the future.

Short post for today, everyone stay strong.

Going Jasmine's house after school to do chubby bunnies and play, see how much time I spend with my darlings.

#team kiddo

Yeah (x7)
Oh, I’ll be honest with you
This really isn’t over – no more, I’m so tired
Oh, I’ll wait a little so please don’t cry
Time is ticking and the tears in your eyes tellin’ me goodbye

Some days, I’ll regret it, some days, I’ll cry
Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah
I’ll give everything for you, I’ll love for you
And now my heart is depleted but why are you…

Stop girl, in the name of love
Stop girl, in the name of love hey hey
Stop girl, in the name of love
I know this isn’t a dream, I know your love isn’t real

Yeah (x4)
And I know that this isn’t love
But we’re not playing some game
You know this too

Some days, I’ll regret it, some days, I’ll cry
Today’s the day that I’ll be flyin’ away yeah
I’ll give everything for you, I’ll love for you
And now my heart is depleted but why are you…

Stop girl, in the name of love
Stop girl, in the name of love hey hey
Stop girl, in the name of love
I know this isn’t a dream, I know your love isn’t real

Now Stop – Now stop with this relationship
We only call each other at night out of obligation
All we say is “Good night” that’s it
There’s nothing else to know in our sad relationship

STOP – Sometimes you come on TV
Watching you laugh as if nothing’s wrong makes me wanna throw up
You pretend to be different from me
Pretend not to know anything
You always pretend to be cool, now just stop

Stop girl, in the name of love
You know that we love each other
Stop girl in the name of love hey hey
Stop girl in the name of love
I know this isn’t a dream, I know your love isn’t real

I know that you are struggling too
But we still can’t live without each other (x2)

I know this isn’t a dream, I know your love isn’t real
Stop girl, in the name of love

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