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Friday 26 October 2012

I can see that you’re different even among a group of many people


Holidays started today (well, sort of) and I have a 9-week holiday + asdkhjfnexjkm tons of homework and assignments + intensive cca + freaking 西游记 and 妈妈不在家的日子 waiting for me. gdi I hate ahs os much why do they like to make their students suffer. Right, because we have a principal who is a 变态.

Attended the talk by the principal recently to tell us about of overall results. Sigh 1K did very badly for all the subjects but apparently our overall was not bad lol (ahem, according to Miss Shahirah) Then she started talking about how this girl came to her office daily to beg her to accept her in this school and what she topped her class and cohort. I mean if I were in Northlight, I could get first in my whole cohort as well. If that girl is really so smart to top her cohort why can't she get into Anglican? I don't get it lol. And apparently she told the exact same story to the sec 2s and 3s too. And she started saying about how we are being complacent once we got into this school, and how we are not studying hard enough to meet the standards of the school. The exams were meant to make us study and od well to motivate us to study harder, but with you bringing us down lower and lower, demoralizing us with each and every word you're saying, I don't think the standards of Anglican High can improve anytime soon.

❝Anglican High School is one big family❞

That's what you said, but what exactly is happening now? Forcing people who couldn't meet your standards to transfer out of the school? The whole reason why the standard of this school is dropping is all because of your unreachable standards and the words that comes out of your mouth. If you're scared that this kind of scenarios would happen then why did you even accept dsas in the first place.

Soon, a riot will break out in ahs. I'm sure of it. Ahs will become a school where everyone hates their principal.

Got back my overall results too.

English - B3 (65) [ Grateful that I got a B3 hehehe]
Chinese - A2 (71) [ Gdi I'm super disappointed in this ]
Math - B3 (66) [ Lol crap screw math screw the eoy math paper screw ahs math department screw ahs ]
Science - A2 (72) [ Could have done much better if not for that 10 mark question
Geography - A2 (72) [Could have been better
History - A1 (77) [ Meh. Screwed eoys history
Literature - A2 (74) [I actually got 74.4 gdi 0.1 more freaking mark to a freaking A1 why is life so hard ]

Art- A1
GCP - A2 [ Mdm Lur is super strict. Period ]

F9 for acc lol I'm cool. B|

Improved by 2 positions in class and 11 positions in level 8D

Found out that we were really shuffling classes next year sigh I really can't bear to part with clique. We grown to become so close to one another, the memories made were really hard to forget and I thank all of you for making my 2012 so meaningful and fun. I LOVE YOU VALERY JASMINE DOMINIQUE CHARIS. Happy to be in this kiddo family with great people :')


And now this stupid school is separating us again and you know that I absolutely detest adapting to new environments ugh /flips everything And I don't think anyone in clique would be in the same class as me everyone is separated screw ahs /flips changcheng

gdi someone remind me why I came to this school again.

Forget it, I can only enjoy my next three years here. I don't want to regret when I'm 17 saying why didn't I create more memories here.

I don't want to regret when everything's too late.

Once again, I thank clique for being significant people in my life. And I really hope we can continue being friends even though we're going to be in different classes. I hope to see bump into you in the streets and still be able to start a conversation instead of saying a simple 'hi' and then walk away. I wish you all the best for next year and the years to come.

Maybe, we'll meet again in Sec 3. No one knows...

Okay I love everyone yay everyone enjoy your holidays ok there's training tomorrow morning I hope everything goes fine.

Listen babe,
I’ll dedicate this song for you.
A really happy you, who is next to me
I waited for today, your birthday

Your smile that looks at me oh
It’s really, really bright
I want to pick those stars for you

Happy birthday to you
My beautiful love
Baby, only for you
Because you’re here, I’m happy
Happy birthday to you
Just like today, forever
Baby, only for you
We’re going to be together

From when I open my eyes till I close them,
I only think of you for the whole day
It’s lonely, a night without you
You, who is like the sunshine that shines through the window
You wake me up and make me smile, you’re special, a bit different

You, who is more important than anything else in the world
Will you accept my heart that I prepared for you

Your smile that looks at me oh
It’s really, really bright
I want to pick those stars for you

Happy birthday to you
My beautiful love
Baby, only for you
Because you’re here, I’m happy
Happy birthday to you
Just like today, forever
Baby, only for you
We’re going to be together

Lovey-dovey, sometimes we argue
I think all night about what I should do to the sulking you
Do you know how my heart tightens
because you might hate me?
To me, there’s no one else but you. You’re the only one that makes me smile

I can see that you’re different even among a group of many people
Your shining eyes, lips
My heart feels at peace when you’re next to me

I thank God for bringing the beautiful you down here
Please stay like this forever, inside me
I will kiss you baby
Happy birthday

Happy birthday to you
My beautiful love
Baby, only for you
Because you’re here, I’m happy
Happy birthday to you
Just like today, forever
Baby, only for you
We’re going to be together

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