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Saturday 29 September 2012

With pouring tears just this once, I’ll erase you

I was actually deciding to blog yesterday night but since it was already like 2 so I gave up. Okay just to tell you what happened over the past few days.

19th September 2012`Friday

It was ahs' first ever sports night. It's an event that all the sports players come together to present their awards over the past year to our principals. I felt really bonded when we were at the hall tbh. Like all the 6 sports ccas gathering together to celebrate. It feels great. I felt super motivated after listening to the talk but the ahs' alumni. How he persisted, how he persevered  and how he succeeded. Dreams and goals can really make one go far, that was the thing I realized after his talk. And I thank him for taking the time to even come back to give this speech to all his fellow juniors.

After all the award presentations was the dinner. It was actually quite good, especially the chicken. Just that the kwayteow was a tad too spicy. Also, I skipped lunch that day because I was too mad about Mdm Lur wanting me to write a reflection about me looking at hippo explosive lao sai an inappropriate video during her lesson, so I was exceptionally hungry during dinner time. Went back to get somemore food but came back to see some bird shit on the table and boom goes my appetite. Gave up eating and threw my food away in the bin. Thanks a lot bloody shit.

After that we went to the netball court to have fun (aka shooting and zilianing and running around like siaozhabors) Wanted to have some inter-cca game with the table tennis people but they rejected our offer :( so we went to play captain's ball ourselves lol. Went home at 7 with huishan x)

Rolled on the sofa till 9 when I finally decided to drag my lazy ass body to the bathroom.

24th September 2012`Monday

It was the Paper 1 for both languages today. I was actually quite scared because I didn't really study for it. Yeah and I screwed up my English letter writing by adding too many points. Ugh why didn't I read the instructions properly. Typical ojy right ik. I could have written my Chinese essay more nicely, I feel that I didn't write enough leh omg. Ahhh I just hope I do well.

Oh yes my phone rang in the middle of the English Paper 1 with Daehyun's voice resounding the whole class I wanted to bury myself in a hole and die inside. The worst thing was that it was a body ALARM, I didn't know it was on, AND I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW IT WAS MINE. I was thinking that it was either mine or Dom's, but no she said it wasn't hers, so it had to be mine. Ran to the front of the class at breakneck speed and turned it off. Went back with my whole body shaking because I was too petrified. I am the most embarrassing human being on earth omg luckily it wasn't Miss Nisrin's turn to invigilate or I can say sayonara to my dear life and phone already.

That's ongjingyee for you. :-)

Went to Bedok Point with clique (except Kim) after that. Ate at Mos Burger after roaming around the small mall aimlessly in search for food. Went to have gongcha after that. And it was like my third one in four days lol hi. Then went to MiniToons to buy candies. why am i such a pig  went home after that with Dom. Ate only bao for dinner because calories slapped me hard in the face.

28th September 2012`Friday

School started at 12 today! Woke up at 9:36 (according to Path) and finished my VS math revision paper. After that I was just rolling around the house until lunch. Mum cooked fried rice hohoho. Fried rice is love.

Went to school at like 11.30 which was a very bad timing because the sun was just like blazing down at me and I was sweating as if there was no tomorrow. Reached class sweating like shit then that stupid Charis still there saying "Why you so late" and all the crap. And because I was very got and frustrated, I started lashing out at her. lol whatever she says just gets her into deeper shit I swear. BUT I LOVE HER OK. Although I don't think that she'll even read my blog. Had lessons from 12.20 till 5 and I found out that it was a super bad decision to start school in the afternoon. My eyes were threatening to close every 5 seconds or so I thought I was going to die. And lsk's lessons are too boring for me to handle. Like seriously I can finish the whole 1B book in half an hour and understand it and she spends like months trying to finish the book without me understanding it. /genius

Celebration was supposed to be fun but no I had to host some Primary 3 kids around and so therefore I was separated with clique :( BUT IT'S OK WE WENT FOR DINNER TOGETHER AFTER THAT (except Kim :( ) We were actually planning to go tm, but when it was at Simei they were like

"Eh want go Eighteen Chefs?" 
/scurries out before mrt door closes


Went to Eighteen Chefs but there was this snobbish waiter who said if we didn't make any reservations we had to wait for 1.5 hours == gl only. Let ojy give you train tracks ok. ====================

Went to UmiSushi after walking a whole big round around East Point. I only ate Unagi Sushi since I had dinner in school already. Then I went to buy gongcha again. I need to ban myself from gongcha for a month or I'll grow into a fatass.

Reached home at 10 and did some work and read fics and went to sleep.

Charis' pretty pink lantern. Credits to her for holding it.

29th September 2012`Saturday 

Went to baibai before having breakfast with family. Went home and watched mubank when Dom suddenly called to ask if she should buy gongcha or not, and whether to buy a meal or a burger. Why do I have such friends. Ok so after mubank ended I started work. And surprisingly, today was productive, which resulted to this post now. I did like Geog, History, Lit, Chinese and Art. Had dinner and I'm blogging now.

Revision for eoys has been going on smoothly I can say? But tbh I don't really feel the exam stress. Is it because of the large amount of tests we already have on daily basis? I don't know. But I hope everything goes well and I would be able to get satisfactory results.

Everyone let's work hard together :)

I was actually thinking of just writing a short post but it turned out to be super long omg.

Shoutout to Tay An Ru: Bby cheer up okay don't sad already :* xx

You want to be the protagonist in a sad mellow drama
But no matter how much you try, we can’t be
You’re fake and it’s so obvious
When I imagine other guys comforting you and hugging you, it disgusts me
Laughter just escapes me on its own
Every day I’m out of breath from the useless fights we have
Of course, me having to level with you is tiring as well
And that goes to show how selfish you are
I’m all good without you girl
Thanks to you, the memories that turned dirty
You are erased in tattoo

I have no regrets, so don’t think I’ll be waiting for you
I have no longing because I gave you my everything
You can’t turn back time, and there’s no you
I have no ounce of emotions for you now
With pouring tears just this once, I’ll erase you
Now, it’s time to say good bye
A O E E E E E E (Ay!)
I’ll believe all your lies
A O E E E E E E (Ay!)
Will you forget a guy like me now
Don’t tell me another one of your lies
I never even believed in them, but I’m living better off without you
So don’t ever tell me you long for me or miss me
You like like a vixen which makes me lose feelings for you
This is the last between you and I
The past when I used to be fooled by you feels like a waste which makes me angry till the top of my head
You can’t turn back time and the remaining tracks are left behind in bothering me
The words of love that only gave me scars in the past
Thanks to it, I’ve changed a lot and my memories that remain deeply with me will erase you
I have no regrets, so don’t think I’ll be waiting for you
I have no longing because I gave you my everything
You can’t turn back time, and there’s no you
I have no ounce of emotions for you now
With pouring tears just this once, I’ll erase you
Now, it’s time to say good bye
Don’t worry, this is the last time as well
There won’t be any other incident that I’ll bother you even more with
You have no words and you’re not here
I just want to say one thing
I had a good dream, but now I forgot it
It’s the end, bye bye bye bye
I can’t turn back time and you’re not here
I have no ounce of emotions for you now
In burning all the gifts I received from you, I’ll erase you
Now, it’s time to say goodbye
I can’t turn back time and you’re not here
I have no ounce of emotions for you now
In burning all the gifts I received from you, I’ll erase you
Now, it’s time to say goodbye

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