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Saturday 1 September 2012

Please, do not leave just like that.

Hi earthlings. It was teachers' day celebration yesterday. The teachers' day concert in ahs was surprisingly fun, considering the fact that I was laughing till I hyperventilated at Mr Goh's performance and I was freaked out at Mr Chan's long wig... dance. Is it even right to call it a dance idek. I think ahs was the only school to have this kind of performance 8D

Went back to class to have the class party afterwords. And, for once, I really felt the tinge of class spirit in 1K. Really, through the short 30 minute celebration, I found that little bit of bond we had at the starting of the year once again. It like, I don't hate anyone anymore, we're all family. Especially during the part when we sat in a semi-circle and all the three teachers talked to us, it really felt like the past times. 

Everything ended at 10.30, which was super early considering that all my friends are ending at 11plus 12. Went to bubble-tea with Valery and Dominique but I ended up not ordering anything because
1) There were no pearls 
2) Even if there were any, that auntie there didn't know how to make bubble-tea
3) There were no chicken maggie mee left
4) There were no barley. 
5) Shit happens.

It's really stupid. And the auntie's attitude is just poop. 

Bused to bgps with Noah after that, since he came to find me at the bubble-tea shop, which I have no idea how he did it. Saw Maxene, Hannah, Abigail, Xin Yi, David, Boon Hai, Dao Xin, Azhari there. Maxene, Abugail and Hannah screamed my name super loudly when I was metres away walking with noah hahaha :') I really missed them :( Camped outside gate 1 talking about everything and it really made me realize how much I missed them. I never knew how to appreciate 6-1, taking them for granted everyday when I came to school, but now, I would die to just have a simple conversation with them. Everyone just seems so busy nowadays. Caught up with studies, ccas... mostly studies, since the eoys are coming. 

Went to the main gate to try our luck and see if we could go in but the scumbag security guard didn't let us in until 2 when their school ended at 12.30 == someone tell me what bullshit is this.  

Shermaine arrived with Adeline and Yilin a bit later. Our clique was back again. But, it didn't feel right. We didn't talk as much anymore, it just isn't the same :/ Slacked at the bomb shelter near the basketball court until it was 1.30, then we s l o w l y made our way back to the main gate. Saw Gerald Tan and Liyan along the way. Gerald's so tall now omg. 179cm excuse me while I jump off a cliff. I remember he was still the same height as me just a few months ago. Liyan too. Wa why are all of them shooting :< They were like "Eh where is jingyee" and looked at the ground. Okay thanks if that was meant for me to feel insulted then yes your mission is accomplished.

Finally went into the school at 3 sharp and saw Mrs Hsu, Mdm Shinah and Lianglaoshi. But being the awkward turtle I always was, I didn't talk much, which totally defeated my purpose of going there orz :( Bgps changed a lot, and their netbal court is super bright now! Meh I missed sitting at the parade square and slacking at the podium doing duty waiting for the national anthem to be played. Ahhhh, the memories. Oh yes, and I missed how cheap their drinks were. 

Scumbag school didn't allow us to eat canteen food. I wanted to eat it the most though >:(

Soon it was 3 and Mr Oei chased us out -.- Went to Hans with Xinyi, Yilin and Maxene because miss ho said that she still owed Maxene and I a treat. Ordered bacon with scrambled eggs and a garlic bread :D Super nice okay. Chatted and went home at 4.

Got back my CA2 results yesterday too.

English - A1
Math - A1
Chinese - A2
Science - A1
Geography - B3
History - A1
Literature - B3

My humanities sucks like that what can I do :/ I really studied hard for geog, but it's always the same kind of shit marks I get. Quite disappointed with Math and Chinese though :/ I didn't get A1 for Chinese, which was damn sad ok. And Math, yes, I did get A1, but it was a very borderline A1, I could have done better, by studying harder an not flunking all of my tests and all. 

Goals for eoys

English - A2
Math - A1
Chinese - A1
Science - A1
Geography -A2 
History - A1
Literature - A2

I honestly wish I will get an A2 for English for eoys. Because tbh, I believe this A1 for English this term wan't a well deserved one. Maybe, I was just lucky I got what Mrs Tan wanted. And I need to improve on my geography and literature too T-T

My friends all say that it's great that I got 4 A1s'. But I would like to ask myself, is this the best I can do? I haven't really been myself ever since term 3 started. I was always out of sorts, mind flying to god-knows-where during lessons. Why? Getting B3s' for humanities isn't the way. And getting an A2 for Chinese is not good enough. Why couldn't I study harder, and get straight As? Why must I have Bs? 


It's all because of attitude. I get distracted too easily, and there are too many distractions around me, my phone being a very big one. A beep and a twitter notification comes on, a tune and a message comes along, a toot and a whatsapp message appears. All these slightest things get me distracted, and it takes all I can to not look at my phone, to hide my phone and continue with my work. Sometimes, I really hope I did not have a smartphone. So that I wouldn't have to many things to distract me. 

I'm thinking of deactivating my twitter account. Eoys are coming, and it's about time I get really serious with my work. I can't have all these small little things coming along the way to distract me. I need to do well. I want to be smiling when I collect my results. 

I'm sorry for the super wordy post, but I just needed to get everything off my mind.


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