Blogger Widgets

Monday 30 December 2013

Greetings folks. I am blogging from my phone so i have no idea how this post will turn out to be but yolo. Bits and pieces of what happened recently includes:
- farewell with seniors at 18chefs and some matcha cafe
- holiday match whiched turned out to be a blast
- desperately trying to read the simplified version of 水浒传
- falling sick
- watching miracle in cell no.7 and bawling my eyes out. I literally had this emotional breakdown I was shaking so badly
- Catching Fire w Charis and missing the taehyung signed pc event
- struggling to keep up with all the gayo daejuns and not lose focus 3 hours into the show
- collaging my notebooks ((i think i did the infinite one really terribly otl it looks very empty))
- spending a boring and lonely Christmas
- finding out that my classroom is going to be on the fricking fifth level again next year

I think that's about it? I can't remember anything else. But anyway I am beyond bored at home I can't believe I'm saying this but I can't wait for school to start even though I'm not the least bit looking forward to camp at all.

Till I get my life sorted out it's goodbye.

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