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Saturday 11 May 2013

I'm scared that I'm just a burden

gyu being gyu pshhhhh

Holla! Exams ended 2 days ago and I'm already thinking about how to live my life for the next month already. My life revolved around studying for the past month or so and now I feel that I am so overwhelmed by the freedom that I am at a loss of what to do. Let's talk about the papers first.

Geography- I swear I really really really studied and memorized a lot of it but I just don't know how to apply the information I have studied and memorized and transfer it to the answer sheet. It was fairly okay, but I missed out some points sigh. Maybe I am never fit to be a geography student /laughs. Woke up early to study transport and comm. and didn't even look at land supply at all, and in the end, I did land for the 2-choose-1 question. Had a bet with Valery on which topic would come out as the compulsory question and I won so 50cents to me yay. 

History- It was quite okay, considering the fact that we were told on what were the things that were going to come out. I was panicking the night before because I had no idea what point to write for my sbq but everything went well the next day. 

Science- It was tricky, very tricky. Sigh I wanted to cry during the paper and after the paper wth it wasn't even this difficult last year. Well C6 for Science coming up :-) 

Math- hahahahahahhahaha I was so disappointed with myself ((am still)) I mean I made a million and one careless mistakes in my paper and it was so easy. I don't even know I think I was high on drugs when doing the paper or something it was so easy and obvious and yet I couldn't get the right answer. I don't even want to see my shitty results hahahaahahahahah.

English- Comprehension was alright but I think I sort of flunked the summary l o l I didn't even know what I was writing. I ended up with 100 over words and I knew I was in deep shit already. 

Chinese- IT WAS SO TOUGH OMG I WANTED TO BREAKDOWN AND CRY. I mean 4 comprehensions with only 2 mcq omg???? The last passage was some report about newspapers wth at least give me something interesting to read so that I can relate better to the passage. I was left with 10 minutes and I still had 2 uncompleted questions lol kill myself. 

In summary yup I think I sort of flunked myes despite studying 2 weeks before I don't know what to say anymore.

Gym with clique-valery yesterday and it was quite a productive session I guess? Ran 3km and cycled almost 15km pmsl. How does Noah Kong even cycle 70km a day wth it get's so boring after 10minutes. Wanted to go to the Japanese restaurent below to have lunch but it was $9.99++ so we just ran out of the restaurent. Settled for food republic instead bc economic food.

I finished Reply 1997 ((finally)) yesterday and I'm not sure what to do with my life now hmmmmmm. It was such a beautiful drama sigh junhee's one-sided love is just so innocent and pure.

Abrupt ending bc I can, everyone enjoy your post exam life while I figure out what to do with mine. Gelato with Xinyi later so yay. Haven't seen her for the longest time weeps.


"A relationship that is tedious but inevitable. A relationship that lasts for your entire life. That's family"

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