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Sunday 7 April 2013

The time when everyone points their finger at you, what can you do

It was such a terrible week I don't even want to talk about it. ((but i'm still going to))

Geography project was a nightmare for me. Ever since we conveniently forgot about it, we did not do a single thing to do blog, till Ms Ho reminded us on Tuesday. We had till Friday 2359 to complete everything, and reality struck us on Thursday night lol. Came back home after training tired like some dog, bathed and dragged myself to do the project, and the worst thing was that I don't even know a single thing about the project. What the hell is the ABC Water Programme, I had no idea. I didn't even know how to write the reflection, yup I totally felt like a useless prick adding on to everyone's troubles that night :-) The worst thing was that there was math common test ((which everyone was dreading)) the next day and no one could study for it because of the project.

Finished it at 12.20A.M and I had a terrible mental breakdown. It had been ages since I cried so hard ((in front of my mum)) but I don't know, everything just came crashing down on me, studies, work, friendships, everything in general.

Woke up the next day with super red eyes gdi. 

That practically summarized my whole week lol it was the only highlight. 

Training was okay, but the indoor training part was not okat at all omg I sweated so much i felt like I just came out of the bathroom without drying myself. But it feels empty without the Sec4s :'(

Life has been going well so far, although it's a bit hard to keep up with the overwhelming number of tests, and exams which are coming up. Oh ya and Coach went to Perth and is not coming back till 12th which means I won't get to see her till end of stand down wheeee and after that would be the china trip so I won't get to see her for another week or so. 

扫墓 later in the afternoon, let's hope everything goes well :-)

Goodnight ♡

teen top is tweeting too much for me to handle. 

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