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Tuesday 4 December 2012

60 seconds is all I need for this story


Life has been revolving around CCA and trainings (ok they are the same) and it has been terrible. 

Just to update myself, I'm going to blog. I know no one cares but bleargh. 

{M E E T U P}

Agreed to meet up with clique on Thursday after training but I was feeling unwell bc god knows why I skipped it and Valery was alone with her yy oh no. Stomach was twisting itself into so many knots idek what to do I was so scared I thought my appendix had problems and I was going to die bc the pain was excruciating. 

Went to the Polyclinic with Dominique to check what the hell was wrong with my stomach. It was my first time there (and this caused us to get stuck in the bloody clinic for 2 hours bc we didn't know what to do, like not knowing that I have to put the prescription in the box or else they wouldn't know what medicine to give me. I thought they would have a computer to send my prescription to the pharmacy but no.

Turns out it was bc of indigestion and crap that's why my stomach hurts so much. And the doctor asked me a very awkward question which I would not say it here but at that moment it was so awkward I wanted to dig a hole and die inside. 


Rushed to meet clique at 85 and they were like half done with their meals. Scared them from behind and they screamed super loudly and the whole market stared at us as if we were weirdos. 

Had carrot cake and shared my Ice Kacang (bc I'm a great friend) with Valery. 

Jasmine went off after eating bc she had new furniture waiting for her. Charis went off too bc she had tuition (or was it ballet).

Went to the netball court near my grandmother's house bc Valery had to shoot. Helped her count her shots and played some lame games before going home. 

{N A T I O N S C U P}

Had training at Kallang Netball in the morning bc seniors had to play with  the Hong Kong players so we trained ourselves. 

Training ended before 11 and I was super happy yay. Headed back to school and wiped ourselves before going to have lunch. 

Had lunch at Eighteen Chefs bc seniors apparently booked the whole restaurant. It was nice although I got a super big headache sorting out the money and change and shit. Wanted to drink Starbucks bc it was one-for-one promotion but I was too full from the spaghetti and ice lemon tea and ice cream so I gave up drinking. 

Headed to Tampines to take a super long ride all the way to Toa Payoh. We were actually hoping for a double decker bus so that everyone could sit down but no we waited for ages and a single decked came along so we had no choice but to board it bc if we waited for another one we would be late. And the whole bus ride was just uncomfortable. Tried to sleep but I couldn't fall asleep bc the bus kept jerking and I lost my sense of grip for a second and my phone and card slipped off my hand otl.

The game was good! Singapore was up against Namibia. Everyone was so zai and there's this shooter from Sri Lanka who is 206cm tall wth. Attacking is good, defending is also good. And the players make the passes seem so 轻松 it makes me jealous ):

Game ended at 6+ and trained home with the other netballers. But it was the peak hour so it was literally packed like sardines in the train and I was squished to death. 

Had dinner and dropped dead bc I was too damn tired. 

Team lunch yay
I sometimes walk and stop
I look around and our eyes meet
I quickly turn my head away
I look at my toes and
then slowly look up

My eyes that get larger
My lips that open up slightly
My heart rings in my ears

60 seconds is all I need for this story
You came into my heart
I don’t doubt it
That you took me away
The time that wasn’t short
You’re that kind of person
A story that’s enough for me
I don’t need any reasons
You made my heart flutter and look for you
That first time

Your voice breaks off
Your tears that slowly build up
and fall over
I hold you with my chest
and stay there for a long time
then slowly push you away

My empty eyes
My two lips that are at a loss for words
My heart stops at your sigh

60 seconds is all I need for this story
You disappeared from my life
I didn’t hold you back
The time that wasn’t short
You’re that kind of person
A story that’s enough for me
I don’t need any reasons
You clearly sent it
You said you were hurting
and I let you go
Our last time

(My two stories)
My hot and cold times (with you)
They’re both memories that you gave to me
(My two stories)
The same times, but with different sides of you
My double-edged memories

60 seconds is all I need for this story
You came into my heart
I don’t doubt it
That you took me away
The time that wasn’t short
You’re that kind of person
A story that’s enough for me
You disappeared from my life
I didn’t hold you back
The short amount of time
that I saw your heart

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