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Monday 30 April 2012

I wonder if you're hurt like me


I'm posting today because there's no school tomorrow /throws pompoms around/  and there isn't much homework :D Durning Chinese class I was confessing to Zhenglin telling him how much I loved him, the he was like" Whut? .____. " Ahahaha this cock-screwed hair guy so cute :D And then Nikki was like telling me he loved him also, so we're technically 'fighting' over him. Okay I see no sense in doing this why did I even start this asdfghjkl. 
Got back my geog paper which I did two weeks ago and I got 20/30 asdfghjkl ahhh I'm so happy. And I thought I would flunk geog this time round also .__. Anyway the important thing is that I got an A1 :D the rest is not important anymore, all my studying didn't go to waste ;)

When boredom strikes when you're having ACC lectures :D

Okay I was actually using Nikki's black felt marker to doodle om my own comb xP Okay sorry I was very bored xD And I didn't get a single thing the teacher said into my head .__. Stayed back to go bubble tea with Charis, Dominique, Jasmine and Kimberly( okay please don't look at the way the names are placed, you all are all very important to me kay ^^ even though they won't see it ) We started to talk about family to... that certain someone, which I shall not tell here :) We stayed for like 45 minutes and I went home after that while they went back to school. When I reached home, my mum and dad were already home. I was a little jealous that they themselves can go Malaysia to have the time of their lives while they let me rot in school >:( but then dad bought magazines and some t-shirts for me. I was very grateful for him, because he didn't have to buy all these for me. He culd have just went there to buy the things he need, but the fact that he thought about me and even helped me buy things heartens me and I'm very grateful, for that :)  <3
Going out with Jasmine, Kimberly, Charis, Dominique and Yeeshyan tomorrow. Going to bake oh yay :D 

I wonder if you hurt like me
I wonder if you cry like me
I wonder if you live all day in memories like me
'There are many things to laugh about forcibly
Like a wind-up doll, like it’s my job, i laugh
Even when i watch tv
Even when i meet my friends
I’m filled with thoughts of you
Okay I like this song a lot :D And the effects of the mv are just asdfghjkl amazing. And the huhuhuhuhuh is so cool :D And Jinwoon is so cute :3  

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