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Sunday 29 April 2012

I don't know where you're going, or when you're coming home.

Hello :) Its been long since I last blogged. The past weeks were just busy busy and busy :/ So many tests >< But we don't have midyears, so yay :D But 4 tests a week is seriously too much. And so far, I've been flunking each and every of my test in term 2 :/ Well, except for the SPA test. I did quite well. At least good enough to pull up my damn marks for Science in order to not let me fail it D:

History test was on Tuesday, I don't know if I did well or not :/ Ahh history is a horror. Both humanities are a horror. We also had an ICAS Science paper after school on that day. I didn't really prepare for it, since I know that it would be out of the syllables. And just as I guessed, it wasn't easy. I don't have any hopes of getting a distinction anyway, not like I had any to start with :/

Went to Tampines with Yeehshyan, Valery, Dominique, Kimberly, Charis. Jasmine, Geraldine and... Jiayi to do the de-something-don't-know what poem for lit. :/ I don't want to explain what actually happened during lit to let Jiayi in our lit group, but ya, she's in our lit group now :) practically the whole lit lesson was a scolding period. A full 40 minutes of scolding and awkwardness and... crying. We splited into two groups, Valery, Yeeshyan, Geraldine, Jiayi and I were in the same group while DOminique, Kimberly, Charis and Jasmine were in another group. They did their poem at Starbucks while we did ours  at Macdonald's. As much as I want to drink Starbucks coffee, its too expensive, I can't afford >< It was more of a laughing and chit chatting session than a studying session, although for 99.999999%, Jiayi wasn't in our conversation. I ordered a McFlurry for myself :D Then we started writing the poem, but it turned out that Jiayi had already written one at home. So we just used her poem but changed some words to become more chim, to make it look more smart :D.

We finished at around 4 plus, then Jiayi went home and we went to look for the 4 of them. But they were still doing their poem, so the four of us went to window shop, but we practically stayed in Comics Connections for the past 45 minutes.  Then they were done and we went window shopping AGAIN. Had dinner with Jasmine, Charis and Kimberly before heading home. Throughout it we were talking about the pledge thingy which made me laugh my ass off :D

Nothing much happened on Thursday, except the fact that we stayed back for Math supplementary, although I didn't need to go. Yes, THE SEXY 花朵的大便 stayed back for math sup. Mr Seong went through factorization. It was damn fun, especially the part when we started making "The boys" remix, Mr Seong version :) It was super cute I tell you :D
Seong generation make you feel the heat~
Dominique left at 4 to go home to watch her U-KISS comeback on M-Countdown. Jasmine, Valery, Geraldine and I decided to stay back to complete the math worksheet before heading home, but after awhile, we got bored. :D So I suggested to play netball. xD My soles were burning while we were playing because the sun was damn hot, so we stopped playing after awhile. :D Waited for daddy to come and fetch me and reached home at 6.

NOTHING happened on Friday. I practically slacked the whole day because the bloody Sun was so bloody hot that it made me want to sleep while doing algebra -.-

I don’t know, where you’re going

Or when you’re coming home
I left the keys under the mat to our front door
For one more chance to hold you close
I don’t know, where you’re going
Just get your ass back home

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