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Saturday, 31 March 2012

F.A.M.I.L.Y :)

Father And Mother I Love You
I really love my family, my dad, my mum, my brother... a little bit?

Its like, your parents raised you up without complaining or anything, they let you go to school, make sure that food is ready on the table whenever its meal time, but some kids just don't appreciate it. They would talk back to their parents, purposely come home very late even though his mother has already told him umpteen times to come home before his curfew. They seemed to have forgotten who raised them up to who they are today. Without their parents, will they be where they're standing right now? If their parents abandoned them when they were young and ran away without them, would they be who they are right now? NO

Nowadays my mum's shift is from 3-11. So by the time she reaches home, its already 12 plus. When she sleeps, it will be over 1 already. But, she still wakes up every morning at 6.30 to help me and wc get ready for school without fail, no matter how tired she is.

She could have slept throughout the night and till morning. She could wake up at 8 plus 9 , not 6.30, but, she still woke up. She would ask me what did I do yesterday, what tests are coming up, what time will I be coming home today etc. She did not have to wake up specially for us, I know she will always be very tired, she did not have to sacrifice her sleep just to help us get ready for school.

My dad too, he starts work at 8, and his workplace is very near from our house, so actually he can leave the house at 730 and still be on time for work. But for us, for me and wc, he leaves the house at 7 everyday, just to send us to school. He did not have to, he could have said "Both of you go to school yourselves", because the time he reaches the office is like 730 and he has absolutely NOTHING to do. He could have slept for another 15 minutes more if he didn't send both of us to school. But he didn't. He sent us to school everyday without fail.

Another thing, yesterday we went to Tampines Mall to have dinner, then after that I wanted to go the NTUC to buy bananas for today's training, but the bananas there were all unripe. So we went home after that. But my dad didn't, he went to the Sheng Siong near our house to buy bananas. He didn't have to, he could have just asked me to take something else that is in the house to eat. But he didn't, he went to Sheng Siong.

I am very grateful to all the small little things both of them did to me, though some people might think its nothing, but it means A LOT to me <3

Having someone to love is family. Having somewhere to go is home. Having both is a blessing

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